Starlify | Self-service

Self-service integration in businesses vs large enterprises

Dec 7, 2023 10:34:01 AM

Integration has long been a hurdle for businesses, creating disparities between resource-strapped small teams and complex enterprise environments. Small teams need help in agility and expertise while enterprises grapple with the complexities of scale and governance in their integration processes.

What if there's a solution that could level the playing field? Empowering small teams to surge ahead with agility while providing enterprises the tools to streamline complex connectivity. All while reducing costs and dependencies on specialized IT resources. 

It sounds like a pretty mind-blowing solution, doesn't it? 🤯

But still, there's a functioning solution. It's called self-service integration. You might have heard it before - a game-changing approach revolutionizing how businesses of all sizes manage connectivity and their application landscape. From nimble startups aiming for rapid growth to enterprises navigating intricate systems. Self-service in integrations offers tailored advantages, reshaping how these entities integrate and adapt in today's digital landscape.

Whether you're a startup seeking rapid expansion or an enterprise aiming for seamless connectivity, this might be the key to unlocking innovation and efficiency in an ever-evolving digital world.

"I want it! But what can it do for my business?"

Great question. Let's explore the possibilities and what it offers for small teams and businesses versus larger enterprises - and how Volvo Cars does it. 


Self-Service Integration for Small Teams and Businesses

For small teams or startups, agility is paramount. Self-service integration allows you to swiftly connect essential applications without dedicated IT resources. The quick setup and deployment reduces time-to-market for products or services. Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of self-service integration is particularly advantageous for smaller budgets, as it eliminates the need for extensive development resources or hiring specialized integration experts in projects. 

It also empowers team members who might not have deep technical integration expertise to manage their integrations. This autonomy allows for rapid experimentation, customization, and adaptation to changing needs without relying on external resources. Teams can directly address their specific integration requirements without being bottlenecked by IT department schedules or limitations. 

The best thing is, if done right, it's highly scalable. You can quickly scale up as your business grows or expands, accommodating new applications or increased data volume without a significant overhead cost or disruption. This should make self-service a top-of-mind solution for small businesses aiming for growth. 


Self-Service Integration in Enterprise Environments

Enterprises deal with a higher volume and complexity of integrations. When implemented in an enterprise setting, self-service integration requires a balance between decentralization (allowing different departments to manage their integrations) and centralized governance. Robust governance measures are crucial to maintain data security, regulatory compliance, and consistency across various integrations.

In larger organizations, self-service integration can enhance operational efficiency by streamlining workflows and fostering collaboration between departments. Adapted by as many teams and departments as possible, enterprises will benefit from the scalability of self-service integration. However, ensuring standardization becomes pivotal at this scale. Standardized connectors, documentation, and best practices provide uniformity and minimize discrepancies across the organization's various integrations. 


Starlify as a self-service enabler at Volvo Cars

Entiros-Volvo-Cars-Case-Study-API-ManagerIt was estimated that by 2020, Volvo Cars would connect an estimated 700,000+ new car-consumer-device experiences each year. Connectivity places high demands on digitalization and the integration of Volvo Cars’ many systems to keep up with increasing business demand.

Starlify was introduced as a self-service catalyst in Volvo Cars when they needed to build both for diversity and for scale. Additionally, they needed ways to catalyze the developer community and, by self-service, enable them to develop integrations throughout the organization, not only via the integration center.

Fast forward three years, and Starlify empowers the self-serve developer community to increase the integration delivery speed by up to 10X or higher. Developers can synergize by discovering, reusing, and sharing information assets in the application network. The streamlined development of new services and applications cuts time and cost. Starlify is now part of the foundation for an excellent connected driver experience for Volvo Cars’ customers.

Whether you're a startup seeking rapid expansion or an enterprise aiming for seamless connectivity, self-service integration might just be the key to unlocking innovation and efficiency in an ever-evolving digital world. 

White paper

10 essentials for an end-to-end integration

Follow this checklist to ensure integration quality and reduce time spent on integration by 50 %.

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This is Starlify

A collaboration platform that will accelerate your integration delivery

Starlify brings exceptional insight into your company's system integration assets by collecting them all in one place.

With better insights, your business can focus its efforts and increase the pace of digitalization. Start collaborating in Starlify, and your digital ecosystem will thrive.

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