
Get a high-level overview of your organization and easily discover and access all integration capabilities and resources to make confident decisions.


Boost your dependency insight and reusability

Quickly see and understand the relations to business-critical applications. Boost the reuse of resources and capabilities, and make it easier for everyone to discover and access shared resources and services. 

Boost collaboration

Improve the information sharing in your organization and reduce duplication and redundancy.

Evolve your landscape

Create a more flexible IT environment and pave the way for more efficient workflows.

Enhanced security

Control access and ensure that only authorized users can access certain information.

Greater flexibility

Respond quickly to changes and disruptions and act when needed


Understand your application network

Reduce the complexity of integration and make it easier to understand and interact with each other. Exchange data, collaborate, and find common initiatives with a shared view of your integration landscape.

Break new ground

Get into new markets quickly by having an open, accessible portal for stakeholders, partners, and collaborators.

Manage large ecosystems

Act on the insights you get from a having your whole application network documented in one source of truth.

Be more flexible

Get in control with self-service abilities that let you adapt quickly to changes, competition, or customer demands. 


Check out some other features in Starlify

Distributed Integrations

Empower your business users and developers to create self-on-demand integrations without going through the IT department every, single, time.

Organization Management

See the engagements between your organization and your applications, so that you know who to communicate and collaborate with.

Application Networking

Enable your organization to integrate your systems and applications and create seamless and efficient workflows that support your business processes.

The power of our API

Enjoy the flexibility and power of Starlify's API. Connect existing tech, discover new ones, and build your tailored integration solution. 


Visualize your data source connections in stunning application networks to bring discoverability and insight to your organization.


Boost your efficiency and productivity, and work together towards a complete and updated integration landscape.

Start your journey right now

Speed up your digitalization and enable growth with Starlify.